Never a doctor...
A flock of docs is something totally unheard of. Yes, one might say that you just need to go to the hospital for that but we’re actually talking about “real life” in here. So, the doctors’ schedule is always so complicated that usually people are “on call”, “post call”, “pre call”, “waiting for a call”, or simply, “just finished my duty” status and it’s next to impossible to plan anything in advance with them without a threat of your plan being terminated. Count in anything, be it a birthday party or even a wedding ceremony!, they can surely be the party poopers when they don’t even want to be one.
I do say this with my profound respect and admiration for all the doctors out there but here is just something what you guys should also consider when planning to become a doctor, which is if you aren’t already one. If you are a doctor already or in some other profession, then do think in advance for your kids.
If you’re mumbling something against my judgment of doctors out there, then you naysayers better tell me what’s so good about it? At most times, they’re found complaining about medicine and ranting about medicine, and medicine, and more medicine! If they’re out of stock with their medicine rantathon, then they JUST might drop you a comment or two on how their life sucks and how they have no life and how it could be much better only IF… and how their life has passed by them with a whooshing sound.
Even after so many characteristics of doctors in a flock, they’re still socially accepted by others cuz they find them to be more or less the same as themselves. FYI, countless bickering, tiredness, grumpyness, boring and monotonous conversation are the keywords when googling a doctor. Same applies for medical students in college by the way. If you’re still a naysayer, try living with one and then drop me a comment if you find anything different!
I do say this with my profound respect and admiration for all the doctors out there but here is just something what you guys should also consider when planning to become a doctor, which is if you aren’t already one. If you are a doctor already or in some other profession, then do think in advance for your kids.
If you’re mumbling something against my judgment of doctors out there, then you naysayers better tell me what’s so good about it? At most times, they’re found complaining about medicine and ranting about medicine, and medicine, and more medicine! If they’re out of stock with their medicine rantathon, then they JUST might drop you a comment or two on how their life sucks and how they have no life and how it could be much better only IF… and how their life has passed by them with a whooshing sound.
Even after so many characteristics of doctors in a flock, they’re still socially accepted by others cuz they find them to be more or less the same as themselves. FYI, countless bickering, tiredness, grumpyness, boring and monotonous conversation are the keywords when googling a doctor. Same applies for medical students in college by the way. If you’re still a naysayer, try living with one and then drop me a comment if you find anything different!
i think you should try living in a world without doctors. They make a sacrifice, and I think they deserve a little right to complain about it. Plus, in the case of being party poopers, they are saving a life or probably treating someone in discomfort. I guess a party is much more important to you but everyone has their priorities.
Anonymous, at 2/26/2006 7:30 PM
Hey Umair! Nice blog you have here. ;D
Anonymous, at 2/27/2006 1:19 AM
anonymous or rather "extreme anonymous" - first, let's chill out a bit. second, ever heard of satire?
Needless to go into details about the rest of your comment but do consider the tone before launching an all out attack to other's priorities:) just an advice!
feveri, at 2/27/2006 10:59 PM
c,mon...if u can have ur way...why cant I?
Anonymous, at 3/01/2006 7:16 AM
i am trying to add depth to your blog here. its good to get a wide spectrum of opinion. i had no ill-meaning toward ur prorities. i am sorry if it came to u that way.
Anonymous, at 3/01/2006 12:34 PM
extremely anonymous - thanks
feveri, at 3/02/2006 3:59 PM
Umair, just chill. I mean, honestly. The unknown person had a point, you know. Doctors save lives one person at a time (hey, so do missionaries!) and deserve more respect from you =P Just because some hospitals are slow, that doesn't mean they aren't important. Ooh, guess what else? "Boring and monotonous conversation" is that your blog is so stop complaining about doctors =P lol just kidding around =) *pokes Umair and continues to bother him on MSN messenger*
Anonymous, at 3/16/2006 4:44 PM
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