
Friday, November 10, 2006

where am i really from?

alright people, can anyone try to answer this one question about my friend please...i've been thinking over it?

Home is where your heart is, right? Home is where you're really from...if not, then probably the place where you grew up...perhaps where you currently live?..what home really is?

For quite a few lucky ones, they are born at the same place where they grow up...probably go to school/college at the same place and work there as well....but for this one friend of mine...his parents are both pakistani when he was actually born in saudi arabia...according to saudi arabian rules, you don't get the citizenship by right of cancel that and he was a pakistani just cuz his parents were pakistanis...

fast forward...he becomes an ameican resident....he grew up in saudi arabia but now goes to a university in michigan...he has never lived in pakistan for more than three weeks at a time but he's still a pakistani...he spent all his life in saudi arabia...and technically still lives there but stays in the college dorms in michigan....for now, we can prolly cut some slack n call pakistan as his home...but consider if he gets american citizenship soon, which he will....where his home really be? where he was born? where he grew up? where his parents are from? where he lives? or where he lived? or the place he carries the citizenship of?

i'll leave you with these questions while i enjoy my getting-rid-of-mental-stress remedies...and a few comprises on my personal relationships and all know the daily stuff:p

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