
Tuesday, September 25, 2007

First visit - Writing Center

Last week, I went to observe the tutoring sessions in the writing center as I am going to be doing the same in a few weeks. They had an interesting case where a student's paper was due in half an hour and he needed some quick proofreading. Although the tutor did help him make his sentences flow, she could not spend a lot of time in correcting due to lack of time. There was a sense of urgency from tutee's side and so the tutor had to rush as well to read the whole paper at least once. Personally, I think she did a good job by staying calm and pointing out the grammatical errors and tutee corrected them right away. It was a quick 20 mins case because the tutee had to turn the paper in within 10 mins anyway.

Later, I got a debriefing from the tutor how these cases are somewhat rare and it does not happen all the time. They take appointments ahead of time so they can have a tutor available even prior to the tutee walking in. It certainly was an interesting observation and I was trying to imagine myself doing the same and how would I deal with it. I suppose we start tutoring in a week or two and we shall know then :)


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