
Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Writing 4

Yesterday was my another writing center trip. It was a really good case that my partner and I worked on. Our tutee had a speech outline to work on and had completed all of it ahead of time that allowed us to make solid recommendations to improve on it. Tutee knew what he really wanted and had gotten it proofread by his professor already. It was a rather long one and we, as tutors, did not mind taking that case. There were some challenges also while working on transitions and all and to fully understand what the tutee was trying to say in the paper. My partner worked on it very and the conversation with the tutee helped us a lot better to clear it all. We also recommended him to include the clarified lines to us in the outline as well. That way, it will be better for his audience as well to comprehend him fully. It was fun to work on that one!


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